Cleaning schedules have been used in businesses, especially food services, for years. But they aren't only for companies. The best cleaning schedule always has to be a checklist of all the areas in your home that need to be cleaned and how often. The great thing about a cleaning schedule is that it's a recorded place where you can see when the last time you did a chore and when you should do it again.
In addition, it helps you organize your cleaning. This removes the stress out of cleaning, so you have more time for it. It might appear like a lot of work to set up a cleaning schedule. However, we at TNT Group Janitorial + Building Solutions have compiled our favorite tips for making a cleaning schedule that works for you.
Use Something Reusable to Create Your Best Cleaning Schedule
Pen and paper are great, but using a whiteboard or online app that you can easily erase and reform as needed will make all the difference. Having something you can erase and write over will be critical to record the last time you dusted the light fixtures. Keeping track of the last time you did things will help you tell if they need to be done again soon, so you can schedule them.
An erasable list will also be more organized and neater than crossing things out and rewriting them. A whiteboard is our favorite way for this, something big you can put on the wall and let everyone see. You can also get an app online that will help you out with this if you're more technologically inclined.
Make a Full List
The first task to do is make a list of every single conceivable cleaning chore in your whole house. Don't leave anything out. It goes on the list if you have to flip the mattresses from time to time. Cleaning the bathroom goes on the list. List the dusting and the fridge cleaning, and the furnace cleaning. Everything goes on the list.
This will make for a gargantuan list, but that's okay. The next thing you'll do will whittle it down. Sort your list into categories; Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly. Things like dishes will probably go on the daily list, whereas flipping your mattress can be done once a year. If you need clarification on how often something should be done, feel free to Google the answer. Something like "How often should I wash my curtains?" will populate a slew of answers that will help you figure out what category of the list to put it on.
Schedule Appropriately for the Best Cleaning Schedule
Now take a look at your list. We won't worry about scheduling the daily tasks because you normally automatically do that. But for the weekly and monthly tasks, think about what time of the week would work best to do those tasks.
For example, when is the best time for you to vacuum? If you've got a full day on Fridays, don't schedule anything for that day. Instead, choose days when you have extra time and spread your cleaning out. Doing this keeps it low-pressure while still getting everything done.
Don’t Clean
This might seem counter-intuitive but bear with us for a second. You may have tried to create a cleaning schedule but still haven't been able to make the time. You might have a job that's so big you can't do it alone, or you may just want a little bit of help. With any of these cases, talking to TNT Group Janitorial + Building Solutions for help with cleaning is the ultimate tip for a perfect cleaning schedule. Our team is built for flexibility and the perfect clean, so you can have help when and how you want it. Contact us for more information on how we can help you perfect your cleaning schedule.