Although it may be the most wonderful time of the year, school and winter coincide with the cold and flu seasons. Unfortunately, this means your kids are in close contact with all the other sniffly children your school board can find. Although having a sick household might seem inevitable at some point in the year, it doesn't have to be. You can hold sickness at bay this winter by teaching your kids some etiquette and hacks to keep themselves safe. Check out these winter health tips for parents:
Teaching Children About Germs is one of the Better Winter Health Tips for Parents
Kids need to be taught about how everything works; they’re starting right from scratch. Part of that is explaining germs, how they work, and why we want to avoid them as much as possible. This doesn’t have to be a complicated discussion on the science of biology and virology- something as simple as explaining that a germ is a little sickness you can't see and how you can keep them away will work wonders.
Likewise, helping your children understand why you're making them wash their hands, avoid sick people, and sanitize things will help them want to do the right things to keep themselves safe.
Encourage Illness Avoidance
Talk to your kids about what a sick person looks like. For example, they might cough, sneeze, have a red and runny nose, or be congested. Help them understand what this looks like, and then encourage them to avoid people who might be sick. Make sure they understand not to be rude or mean but to avoid sharing juice or foods with them, sanitize their hands after touching the same things as them, and keep a healthy distance. This way, they can avoid the people that will make them sick.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
This tip is great for your kids and the environment. Get them an awesome reusable water bottle to take with them to school. They can use their water bottle instead of the water fountain; that's a breeding ground for germs. That'll keep a lot of the germs away from them. The best way to go with this is to get them a water bottle with their favorite characters on it, something they'll be insanely excited to carry around for the day. Another option is to get a plain bottle and let them decorate it themselves. Then they’ll really love it.
Sanitize Once You’re Home
If all else fails, sanitizing all the germs your kids might have picked at school once they get home will help lessen the spread. Keep a sanitizing station by the front door and teach your kids that the first thing everyone should do upon entering the home is use everything there. Include wipes to clean the outside of books, electronics, and bags. Keep sanitizer handy, so they clean their hands before touching anything and encourage them to switch to slippers, so they don't track everything from their shoes through the house.
Set Your Kids Up for Success with these Winter Health Tips for Parents
The best way for you to help your kids stay healthy and happy this winter season is to give them a safe and clean place to go back to after school. Homes cleaned frequently have less dust and allergens that irritate your kids’ sensitive systems. In addition, children with respiratory concerns (like asthma) benefit hugely from a frequently cleaned home. Even if they don't suffer from something respiratory-related, eliminating irritants will make them stronger if they contract something.
Now, we're not here to parent shame. We get it if you don't have time to vacuum up every speck of dust and clean for an hour every day. The great news is that even if you don't have time to keep your house allergen-free, you can still set your kids up for seasonal success.
TNT Group Janitorial + Building Solutions is here to keep everything clean and healthy for you and your family, so you can enjoy the benefits without spending time and energy on it. Contact us for more information on how we can help protect your family this season.
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