If you've ever felt like tearing your hair out while screaming, "How do I stop procrastinating doing my cleaning!?" we've been there, and we feel your pain. Procrastinating is a common problem that people across the world struggle with daily, and cleaning is one of the biggest sources of procrastination. Holiday cleaning is its own special hell because it's a set deadline that's a big deal, and yet it's also one of the busiest times of the year.
So what you need is some Anti-Procrastination Tips for Cleaning during this period.
How do you get all your holiday cleaning done if you’re a procrastinator? As part of our holiday gift to you, TNT Group Janitorial + Building Solutions has compiled a list of the best ways to get past procrastinating to get the cleaning done.
1. Start Early is the one of the best Anti-Procrastination Tips for Cleaning
It would be only too simple for us to say, “Just don’t procrastinate!” and be done with it. But alas, we can't be the heroes that way. So instead, because we know sometimes procrastinating happens no matter how much we don't want it to, we recommend starting your cleaning early. Start with the big things that will take more time, doing them as much as a month (or even two!) in advance so that if you do have to drop it because your procrastination started itching (or an actual issue crops up), you still have time to get it done before the big day.
2. Do The Dasher
Although this tip is somewhat Santa-themed, it's a legitimate tip that pro-procrastinators swear by. Doing a dash is committing your attention to a singular task for a whole 5 minutes. Set a timer and focus on nothing but that task for the whole 5 minutes. And once the timer is over? Drop it like it's hot! The point of this exercise is to take away the pressure and stress of seeing a task through from the beginning to the end. You don't need to worry about all that because you're only going to work on it for the 5 minutes you've allotted it.
The great secret to this trick is that you’ll get a whole heck of a lot more done in those 5 minutes than you might have thought you would. That in itself can be a great motivation for the next 5-minute dash you want to run.
3. Ditch Distractions
TikTok, Pinterest, emails and texts, cute cat videos. We all know and love them, and most of us would rather be dealing with them than cleaning for the holidays. But, unfortunately, these kinds of distractions are the biggest teammate procrastination has. It is just so easy to lose yourself in doom-scrolling.
Great news though; there's an app for that. So whether you want to use an app that's meant to help with procrastination, or you use the 'Do Not Disturb' function located on your phone, or you’re old school and fully turn your phone off until you’re done with chores, finding a way to ditch all the online distractions will help fend off procrastination.
This tip works for offline distractions too. A very common kind of procrastination is the not-procrastinating. For example, while you're doing the thing you don't want to do (read: dusting the light fixtures), you might think of all the other things you need to do. "Oh, I need to call about the doctor's appointment and check the water heater. Oh, and I should probably call about the landscaping too."
To beat this one, keep a to-do list handy. Write these things down so you can act on them later and finish the task you’re doing now.
Call In People Who Won’t Procrastinate is another one of the best Anti-Procrastination Tips for Cleaning
When all else fails, ask for help. Professional cleaners won't procrastinate your cleaning. In fact, they'll make sure it gets done as quickly and correctly as possible, saving time and energy for what you really want to use it for. TNT Group Janitorial + Building Solutions is here to help you get all your holiday cleaning done, no matter how much you want to procrastinate. Contact us for more information on how we can help get your house holiday ready.